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Home | Case-Filing | Electronic Filing Information | Overview

Computer requirements

NextGen CM/ECF users require certain hardware and software to support the ECF program and ensure that documents are filed electronically with the court in the most appropriate format. Please note that outside of the information provided on this website, the court cannot provide technical support to ECF users. For any additional information about technical requirements, please refer to the CM/ECF Frequently Asked Questions page on the PACER website.



PCs, Macs, and browsers


A CM/ECF filer must have a personal computer or Mac with internet access and a compatible browser. Not all browsers have been certified to work with CM/ECF, but the most current version of popular browsers generally work, including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari and Google Chrome.





NextGen CM/ECF does not require Java plug-ins.



Screen resolution


The CM/ECF system requires a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels. If the resolution is lower, it must be changed to conform to this requirement. Failure to adjust the screen resolution may result in an inability to view all information, such as check boxes, when filing a document in the ECF system.





To upload documents to the CM/ECF system in Portable Document Format (PDF), a filer must have computer software that either (1) enables a document's conversion to PDF from a word processor format or (2) reads a scanned copy of a document and converts the image to PDF. Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat Professional is software that will enable the filer to accomplish the conversion. While Adobe Acrobat Reader will work with the CM/ECF system, it offers read-only capabilities. The Clerk's Office staff strongly recommends that filers obtain Adobe Acrobat Professional as it has writing capabilities that will enable the editing and manipulation of a PDF document. Adobe Acrobat Professional is particularly useful for combining multiple PDF documents into one or adding numbering or other necessary identifiers to scanned materials, such as the record on appeal or exhibits.


The CM/ECF system can accommodate Adobe Acrobat Version 5 and higher. If a user's computer does not meet this software requirement, the Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat Professional software can be obtained from Adobe's website. Click here for tips on making a PDF searchable.



Scanning equipment


Documents that are not already in a word processing or other electronic format that can be converted to PDF (e.g., pages of the record on appeal and exhibits) must be scanned. CM/ECF users must ensure they purchase scanning hardware and software that allow a document to be text searchable when it has been scanned into a PDF. The more technical term for "text searchable" is "Optical Character Recognition (OCR)." If an ECF user outsources scanning to a third party, the CM/ECF user must ensure the third party scans all documents into a PDF that utilizes OCR.


Scanners must be set to scan a document at least at 300 dpi.



Last modified at 10/16/2014