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Documents under seal


On rare occasions a document will be placed "under seal" so that it is not publicly available. A paper that has been sealed in the district court will remain under seal in the Court of Appeals if received as part of the record. A document that was not sealed in the district court will not be sealed in the Court of Appeals without a Court order. A party wishing to file a paper under seal with the Court of Appeals must make a written motion. An informal request to seal a document will not be entertained. All papers submitted to the Court pursuant to a sealing order must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked SEALED, with a copy of the order placing the document under seal attached to the envelope. One set of the sealed papers, must be filed in addition to the number of copies required by court rule - for example, six copies of briefs plus one additional copy, three copies of motion papers plus one additional copy.

A party must not file a sealed document electronically in CM/ECF, but within 7 days the filing a sealed document, the part must file a redacted version of the document electronically on the docket unless the Court orders otherwise. See LR 25.1(j)(2).



Last modified at 1/31/2014